Software Testing Cost Calculator

What does your software product consist of?

Can you tell us more about your mobile app?

How many hours were spent on development?

How many screens does your project have?

What platforms need to be tested?

How many devices need to be tested?

Can you tell us more about your desktop app?

How many hours were spent on development?

How many screens does your project have?

What operating systems need to be tested?

Can you tell us more about the web part?

How many hours were spent on development?

How many pages does your project have?

What view resolutions does your project have?

How many mobile devices need to be tested?

What mobile browsers need to be tested?

How many desktop devices need to be tested?

What desktop browsers need to be tested?

Can you tell us more about your backend?

How many hours were spent on development?

What kinds of additional testing do you want us to perform?

What basic features do you want to get tested?

What additional features would you like to test?

Which development cycle do you want to get tested?

Total Testing Time

BTW, looks like this plan fits you
Manual Basic $450
  • 1 software type
  • 4 devices
  • 2 OS
  • up to 3 browsers

Rough Testing Estimate

This is an approximate estimate. Exact hours depend
on bugs context and severity


150 hours

59.8 days

2 months


1 hours

2 days

3 months

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